July 14th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: To ignite passion for conscious community give-back. Action in the World: Charles’s life-long passion was “championing” (his word) philanthropy in individuals and organizations. This work is summarized in his Website: http://www.philanthropynow.com His credo: “It is through giving and receiving that we discover what matters to us and . . . therefore who we […]
July 14th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: I create a world of passionate, empowered people through blessing, challenging, and sharing my gifts. Action in the World: John is a founding director of Boys to Men Canada, currently serving as board secretary. He sits as a mentor on a weekly basis at the BTM circle of boys at Riverdale High School. […]
July 14th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: My Mission is to Create a Safe World by Loving and Accepting Myself and Others. Action in the World: Elbert has been involved with Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) for over 20 years. Adult Children of Alcoholics is a recovery program for adults whose lives were affected as a result of being raised […]
July 13th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: Through diverse missions of service we co-create a thriving community by giving back with random acts of kindness. Action in the World: Several years ago Bravehearts I-Group chose to live its mission of service in the world one give-away at a time. People in their community have had their lives changed by these […]
July 8th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: I create a safe and compassionate world by remembering my light and seeing your’s. Action in the World: Since his initiation, Steven has been actively living his mission in the world. He has created a virtual “blessing circle” where anyone desiring light shined on them can receive. Steven has staffed a number of […]
July 8th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: I create a healed and loving world by healing myself and being open-hearted and completely present with all beings. Action in the World: For many years Roy has been a member of the Cambridge, WI EMT, going out on untold numbers of calls, helping people in distress, saving some and loosing others. His […]
July 8th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: I accept, appreciate, and allow to unfold, the world I create as I communicate, connect, and collaborate. Action in the World: Clive has dedicated the last fifteen years to creating a ‘learning site’ for natural regenerative agriculture on 22 acres of leased marginal farmland. Clive hosts a bi-weekly ‘Volunteer Farm Day’ when people […]
June 12th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: I create an empowered world through the unconditional acceptance of others. Action in the World: About 1 in 12 people suffers from one of the 7000 known rare diseases. Millan co-founded an organization, the Rare Disease Foundation, serves on the board of directors and serves as the research director, to provide a new […]
June 12th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: To create a world of belonging, where the abandoned and excluded enter back into wholesome relationships with their fellow man. Action in the World: Robert works with families who have experienced disruption in their lives to the point of homelessness. He is the oldest of ten in his family from rural Iowa. He […]
June 12th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: With help from Christ Jesus, I co-create a world of freedom and redemption by fiercely loving broken men, and mentoring them to free others from their bondage Action in the World: Jeremy is like an extension cord in the inner city, transmitting new power and life to the lost. He looks for people […]