Personal Mission: I create a world of love and authentic connection by living in love and authenticity. Action in the World: • Keith is a highly respected registered nurse and li...
“As many of you know, I work for an agency that helps adults who have developmental disabilities…” That is how Dave Mueller’s Mission Day of Service announcements begin, wi...
Personal Mission: I co-create empowered wholeness by sharing love, strength and wisdom through leadership. Action in the World: Brian is a co-founder of the H.E.R. Weekend, an expe...
Personal Mission: I create a world of spiritual transformation by owning my transformation and living truth, love and magic. Action in the World: Diya is training young men age 18 ...
Personal Mission: My mission is that peace be found in all relations. Action in the World: Dennis has been living his mission for decades by serving on the board of directors for s...
Personal Mission: As a man among men I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally. Action in the World: Ernest has worked with adolesce...
by Stephen Simmer – MKP USA Mission Circle Coordinator I don’t read emails, I scan them. The idea of slowing down and staying fully present with a thought is very dif...
Samuel Luna, Founder of Vets’ Journey Home Texas, Receives Presidential “Champion of Change” Award for Vietnam Veterans WEB LINK:
by Boysen Hodgson In 2007 Patrick Mureithi traveled to Rwanda with the opportunity to film a reconciliation process between perpetrators and victims of violence in the Rwandan geno...
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Personal Mission: As a man among men I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally. Action in the World: Ernest has worked with adolesce...
Personal Mission: I create a world of innocence by forgiving the past, blessing the future, and loving right now. Action in the World: Woody has been involved with The Mankind Proj...
Personal Mission: Ich erschaffe eine liebevolle Welt, in dem ich mir vertraue und aufrecht bin Action in the World: Um mein Vertrauen in meine Intuition auszubilden, habe ich 2012 ...
Personal Mission: I create a world of Love and Compassion by holding space for you however that looks. Action in the World: Jeffrey shows up as a powerful man. His give aways inclu...
Personal Mission: Through knowledge, power and persistence I foster coalitions for the global good. Action in the World: Ned played an instrumental role in the development and pass...