Young Men & Women
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Conflict & Trauma, Ron Hering Award, Schools & Education, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: I create a world of spiritual transformation by owning my transformation and living truth, love and magic. Action in the World: Diya is training young men age 18 to 30 in “how to deal with conflicts in a non-violent way”. Also he is working with school children from 3rd to 10th grade. It […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Ron Hering Award, Working with Men, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: My mission is that peace be found in all relations. Action in the World: Dennis has been living his mission for decades by serving on the board of directors for several local organizations, LifeResults and Sanctuary at Crowfield Farm. Dennis has been on mission to Chiapas, Mexico, giving his time and energy freely. […]
August 30th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Addiction & Recovery, Health & Medicine, Ron Hering Award, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: As a man among men I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally. Action in the World: Ernest has worked with adolescent clients and their families for the past thirteen years, helping them begin their journey of healing through the provisions of education, relapse prevention, […]
August 30th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: I create a world of freedom by teaching youth to break their chains. Action in the World: Ashanti is a muti faceted man. He has created his rites of passage programs to support youth. His The Ever Forward Club has celebrated 10 years of supporting youth graduate high schools and attend colleges, with […]
August 27th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: I foster the dance of heart and soul to build a more just, joyful, and sustainable world. Action in the World: Few men in the nation have had a longer or more committed life in men’s work than Tom. Directly and indirectly Tom has touched the lives of thousands of Youth, Men and […]
July 14th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: I create vibrant community through song, story, music, and dance. Action in the World: In the last 23 years Tim has worked as an actor in educational theater performing in 25 shows for young audiences in 20 states, to an average of 200 kids per show. Some of the topics of these shows […]
July 14th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: I create a playful and loving universe by making dreams come true through embracing the divine. Action in the World: Pete Sandoval was initiated in St. Louis in 1999. Pete has remain very active in the St. Louis community, serving as a past Center Director and staffed many NWTA’s and other trainings. While […]
November 17th, 2011 | by
adminmlm | published in
Latest, Young Men & Women
Notes From Mission Road – from Matt Zavadil’s Blog Mission is alive and well within me. Indeed, it pulses through my veins and charges my spirit to move forward and… yes, often right to my edge. Wow, it’s amazing how just 10 years ago I embarked on a drastically different journey in my life. Almost abruptly (it […]
August 17th, 2011 | by
boysen | published in
Schools & Education, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: I create a world of wonder through understanding; I do this by first understanding myself and then exerting my creative passion. Action in the World: Adam is a passionate Environmentalist, passionate also about building self esteem and values diversity. He has created and served on many campaigns to raise awareness and funds […]
April 13th, 2011 | by
boysen | published in
Latest, Schools & Education, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: To live life passionately and to be a resource provider for worthy people and causes. Action in the World: After a visit to Cambodia in 2005 Danny and his wife Pam provided funding for a school in a poverty-stricken village. Using personal funds, along with donations from family members and a few friends, […]