August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Schools & Education
Personal Mission: Ich erschaffe eine liebevolle Welt, in dem ich mir vertraue und aufrecht bin Action in the World: Um mein Vertrauen in meine Intuition auszubilden, habe ich 2012 eine Qualifikation als Channel und 2013 als Heiler erworben. In der Ausbildungszeit konnte ich meine,als Mann bei MKP erworbenen Fähigkeit, auch zusammen mit Frauen unter heilenden Beweis […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Health & Medicine, Ron Hering Award, Working with Men
Personal Mission: I create a world of joy and healing by opening my heart. Action in the World: He has been active in the AIDES association in France for over 15 years in: . Leading writing workshops for HIV infected people . Coordinating well-being workshops to resocialize and revitalize HIV infected people . Being active […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Elders & Elderhood, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Schools & Education, Working with Men
Personal Mission: I create a world of Love and Compassion by holding space for you however that looks. Action in the World: Jeffrey shows up as a powerful man. His give aways include the use of his Yoga Studio space for MKP functions. i.e. I Group , Open Men’s Circles, Homecoming Celebrations. He volunteers at […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Working with Men
Personal Mission: I create a world where father and son live in harmony, by mentoring youth into men of character. Action in the World: DiVittorio developed BAM in 2001 while working as a psychologist at Roberto Clemente High School. Since then, the program has expanded to 16 CPS schools — including Harper High School in […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Working with Men
Personal Mission: I co-create world peace by healing shame and building community through education, facilitating circles in sacred space. Action in the World: David is a young man with a heart that matches the size of his vision and has been inspiring men in Ireland through his leadership of circles throughout the island for the […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Conflict & Trauma, Ron Hering Award, Schools & Education, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: I create a world of spiritual transformation by owning my transformation and living truth, love and magic. Action in the World: Diya is training young men age 18 to 30 in “how to deal with conflicts in a non-violent way”. Also he is working with school children from 3rd to 10th grade. It […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Ron Hering Award, Working with Men, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: My mission is that peace be found in all relations. Action in the World: Dennis has been living his mission for decades by serving on the board of directors for several local organizations, LifeResults and Sanctuary at Crowfield Farm. Dennis has been on mission to Chiapas, Mexico, giving his time and energy freely. […]
August 31st, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Conflict & Trauma, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award
Personal Mission: I create a world rich in meaning by building connections. Action in the World: Joe has been teaching weekly classes in Non-Violent Communication (also called Compassionate Communication) throughout San Diego and Orange Counties for the past two years. Each class is a 13-week study of the work of Marshall Rosenberg, using his textbook, […]
August 30th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Addiction & Recovery, Health & Medicine, Ron Hering Award, Young Men & Women
Personal Mission: As a man among men I co-create a world of love by loving myself, my family and my fellow man unconditionally. Action in the World: Ernest has worked with adolescent clients and their families for the past thirteen years, helping them begin their journey of healing through the provisions of education, relapse prevention, […]
August 30th, 2014 | by
Kirk Tirakian | published in
Health & Medicine, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award, Schools & Education
Personal Mission: I have been called and empowered to make the world a safer place by practicing acceptance of you and myself and our situation and by protecting and defending the innocent. Action in the World: Robert was initiated 4 years ago. He has been elder chair for his center and has served on the […]