Environment & Nature

Ned Helme – Fostering Coalitions for The Global Good

August 30th, 2014  |  by  |  published in Economy & Business, Environment & Nature, Ron Hering Award

Ned Helme - Fostering Coalitions for The Global Good

Personal Mission: Through knowledge, power and persistence I foster coalitions for the global good. Action in the World: Ned played an instrumental role in the development and passage of the Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990, which established the first U.S. national emissions trading program. He was a driving force behind the Decin Project in […]

David Yarrow – Dedicated To Creating a Sustainable Healthy Planet

August 30th, 2014  |  by  |  published in Environment & Nature, Mentoring, Ron Hering Award

David Yarrow - Dedicated To Creating a Sustainable Healthy Planet

Personal Mission: To restore the earth by renewing the minerals and trace elements in soil so that all life can flourish again. Action in the World: David Yarrow’s work in the creating a sustainable planet capable of producing GMO and chemical free food is recognized nationally, regionally, and locally. He has met with soil scientists; […]

Bill Baue – Working for a Sustainable World

August 17th, 2011  |  by  |  published in Environment & Nature

Bill Baue - Working for a Sustainable World

Mission of Service for Bill Baue Personal Mission: To create harmony by making light. Action in the World: Bill has worked on the Wal-Mart Sustainability Report, wrote a chapter on sustainable finance for the State of the World 2008 report from Worldwatch Institute, and wrote reports for the United Nations, Ceres, and the Investor Environmental […]